When people ask me how much bagpipes cost, it’s never a simple answer.
So many factors affect the cost of bagpipes and the most basics are based on the material used to make the pipes, the quality of workmanship and frankly the demand for bagpipes at the time that you’re asking the question.
The great thing about Bagpipe Central is that you’ll find a simple answer right here within the pages of our website. The Bagpipe Central database contains a list of every pipe maker, and when those pipes are listed on our website you can find the seller’s asking price saved in the simple to use filters on our Browse Listings page. If you are looking for a specific set to buy, or you have a set that you’d like to sell, you can quickly filter as you’d like and find out exactly what they are worth.
You’ll be surprised by the sheer number of bagpipe makers out there. At the time of writing this, there are 146 makers of Great Highland Bagpipes, some current and some that are no longer in business. If you are looking for new pipes, you can reach out to manufacturers like McCallum Bagpipes, R. G. Hardie Bagpipes (including Henderson), Naill Bagpipes, Wallace Bagpipes, Dunbar Bagpipes plus Lee & Sons who are all still creating amazing instruments. If you’re looking for a used set of bagpipes, you can find those listed right here on Bagpipe Central.
So what is the average cost of used bagpipes right now?
By scouring the data of nearly 500 full sets of Great Highland Bagpipes listed on Bagpipe Central, the average cost of bagpipes can broken down by region in the following ways:

The total average cost of used bagpipes on Bagpipe Central is $1,725 USD
The cool thing about Bagpipe Central is that we have all bagpipe makes including Uilleann (Irish), Smallpipes (Scottish), Border Pipes, Northubrian Pipes, Gaita (Spanish Bagpipes), Flemish Bagpipes, Hungarian Bagpipes, Swedish Bagpipes and more. If you know of any other bagpipe types that we’re missing, please reach out to us.
Looking to buy a set of bagpipes of your own?
Before you jump into a new set of pipes, be sure to read one of our previous posts called How Much is a Good Set of Bagpipes?
Whatever you do, if you are looking at buying bagpipes be sure to first ask the most knowledgeable pipers in your community. If you don’t know who to talk to, let us help direct you. It’s a large investment, but you’ll be glad that you did it.
Kyle Campbell
Bagpipe Central
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