Large Bennett Goatskin pipe bag for sale. This bag was made in April 2023 and tied into the stocks in November 2023. I played it regularly until July 2024. It has been seasoned with Bennett’s seasoning the whole time.
This is a great pipe bag that produces a truly large sound. The large surface area of the bag gives you a huge sound! The last goatskin I had lasted me 4 years, so there is a lot of life left in this bag. I am kinda reluctant to let this bag go, but it’s slightly too large for my frame (5’9”) and is better suited to someone with longer arms or is taller.
If you haven’t tried a goatskin before, this is a good opportunity to try one for a fraction of the price. A new Bennett goat in the US will cost $286 including shipping. Get this one for $80 + shipping.
Bag includes a water trap that I custom fit to the bag.