Here’s an extremely-accurate replica of a ca.1790 Egan Union pipe made by Brad Angus.
Materials are as per the original – boxwood, brass and (artificial) ivory, and the workmanship is at least equal to the original set.
Even the tone is the authentic ‘Union’ sound – the drones will seem a bit loud against the chanter to modern ears, but that could be changed given different reeds. When last I played them all reeds were balanced with each other and playing at moderate pressure.
I’ve added wee plugs on the drone-ends as a more-sure way of playing with fewer than all 4 drones (Bass, Baritone, Tenor and Alto) and I made a plug for the drone-stock so that they may be played as a ‘practice’ set.
I acquired these some years ago when I was researching the evolution of the uileann pipe and its repertoire, and I’m selling them now because a) I no longer play, b) I’m reducing my estate, and c) these should be played and enjoyed rather than languishing on my shelf.
Bellows and connector (not shown) are by Nigel Richard.
These were $7,000 USD new. but I’m offering them at $5,000 Canadian