I sent photos of this set to Ringo Bowen when I first acquired it, and he estimated them to be around 1950’s era Lawrie’s.
Selling these Lawrie’s as sticks and stocks only. I bought this set at this price, and haven’t really played them, though when I did test them they sounded great with both Redwood Drone Reeds and Balance Tone Drone reeds. No cracks, recently oiled, and I went ahead and rehemped them with new hemp. They are solidly built, and as you can see from the photos they are a Frankenpipe. The bottoms of each stock are different, and the two tenor drones are also different. Also the chanter stock is a Poly Split Stock.
Good set for a beginner, or as a backup/knockaround set. Buyer pays shipping. Hoping to keep the sale to the continental US only.