Filter Listings Listing Type Country Bagpipes Type Item Make Drums Type Item Make Flutes & Whistles Type Material Make Miscellaneous Type Uniforms and Attire Items SL4 for Sale United States 1,500 1950’s Lawrie Pipes Silver Plated with Ivory mounts Canada US$ 1,765.32 Sold! 1969 R.G.Hardie Sterling Silver and Ivory sold Canada US$ 2,294.92 1999 David Naill Smallpipes in Key of D United States US$ 1,150.00 Wanted Music books wanted Italy Sold! FS: Poly Kron Chanter sold United States US$ 45.00 Sold! FS: Poly McCallum McC2 Chanter sold United States US$ 75.00 Sold! FS: Robert Reid Practice Chanter sold United States US$ 75.00 FS: McCallum Regular Poly Deluxe Practice Chanter United States US$ 60.00 Naill DV4A 2024 new condition United States 2,300 Lawrie Bagpipes – 1910 – 1920 United Kingdom 2,600 Sold! Garvie Parlor (kitchen session) pipes, ABW, Nigel Richard. Extra drone reeds, new bag sold United States US$ 1,200.00 Redwood Drone Reeds, complete set United States US$ 60.00 Deger electronic Bagpipe chanter United States US$ 300.00 Bagpiper Rug Canada US$ 52.96 Sporran Hangers 2 sets United States US$ 9.95 Sold! Gaelic Themes Waistcoat 44R sold United States US$ 19.95 Ghillie Brogue Men Size 9 United States US$ 19.95 Circa 1950s Henderson-style GHB (Unknown maker) United States US$ 900.00 Masonic sporran Canada US$ 211.84 1 2 3 4 5 … 180